Monday, March 24, 2008

12 Benefits of "Letting Go" of Your Diet

"sweet 7" courtesy of ilco

Now that Easter has come and many people have “fallen off” their diets, is a good time to mention the next weight loss strategy from “Lose Weight with THE POWER OF ONE.”. The book says that …”Every once and a while, when the urge or circumstances dictates, forget about the other strategies.”

I like to refer to this as the “get out jail free card” or “letting go” strategy. While your first thought might be that such a strategy doesn’t make sense and you wonder how this can help you lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle, it is every bit as important as any of the other strategies. Where most diets tend to fail is that it they don’t allow for those occasions where you have to be, or really want to be “bad”.

“Every once and a while, when the urge or circumstances dictates, forget about the other strategies” does not mean that…

  • You take it as an excuse to eat everything in sight. While you might eat things that you know are not healthy for you, you’ll still want to limit the quantities that you eat.

  • You permanently ignore the other strategies. If you ignore the other strategies you will likely gain weight and have many of the other effects of an unhealthy diet.

  • Ignoring the other strategies should be the cornerstone of you diet. This strategy is not meant to be used all the time. If you find yourself using it a lot, you might need to do some thinking about how you want to move forward with your diet. There might be some issues that you haven’t addressed that need some thought.

“Every once and a while, when the urge or circumstances dictates, forget about the other strategies” means that…

  • You’re “allowed” to “break” your diet. It is recognized that things happen in life that don’t always allow you to follow right rules associated with diets.

  • Some of the normal guilt associated with “breaking” your diet are alleviated. Because it is part of the strategies, it isn’t so hard to allow yourself permission to do this.

  • You’ll have less of the “I already broke my diet anyways” thoughts. This is where many people throw away their diets or find a hard time returning to them.

  • It helps you deal with the cravings that cause so many people to “fall off” their diets.

  • You won’t feel that you’re being stifled by the limited selections available within your diet.

  • Spontaneity is allowed and even encouraged.

  • You to be included when you’re in those circumstances where someone might take offence to you not eating something or you might feel left out because you don’t eat something. You don’t have to say, “I can’t eat that I’m on a diet”.

  • It helps you stay motivated to follow your diet.

  • Your metabolism is helped from slowing down. After you have been on a diet for a while you body adjusts your metabolism to the lowered quantities of food, fat, sugar, and calories. This is one of the biggest reasons that people get stuck in those plateaus, where they don’t seem to be able to lose more weight.

  • It helps to keep our fat levels where they need to be.

  • It allows you to take a vacation from your diet, while still being on your diet.

  • It allows you to live life.

By using the “Every once and a while, when the urge or circumstances dictates, forget about the other strategies” strategy, you can avoid many of the pitfalls that plague diets and dieters. You can take a vacation from your diet, while still being on your diet. Most of all it allow you to live life and cuts down on some of those guilt feelings that many people have when they do decide to “live a little bit”. Do you have any tips for “falling off you diet” and getting back on? If so I’d love to hear them. Be sure to let me know if there are any other topics that you would like to read about at Systems-Overload. If you liked this article, please share it on or on Digg and pass it on to anyone that you think might appreciate it .Thank you. :)

On Deck…

I’ll be publishing posts about…

  • The next in my series of weight loss strategies
  • Organizing your thoughts with wikis
  • My new series featuring interesting and useful websites.

Other Post That You Might Also Like to Read…

The other weight loss strategies from the “Power of One”:

7 Tips to Reduce the Amount of Sugar in Your Daily Life

A Good Breakfast is a Key to Your Weight Loss Success

12 Tips to Help You Drink More Water

"7 Tips to Stop Eating Before You Feel "Stuffed" "

"10 Tips for Reducing Fat in Your Diet

The Power of One as a must have diet book.

A Winning Attitude And Weight Loss

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