Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2 Must-Have Diet Books

Courtesy of ctr

Have you decided to go on a “diet” or maybe you have decided that you wanted to take control of your diet and eat healthier. Well I have 2 books that should be in your library and a cornerstone of your efforts.

Have you ever wondered why diets fail? “Diets fail because they tell you what foods to eat and when eat them. They fail because they force you to follow someone else’s tastes, cravings, and moods.” “Diets fail because control of your nutritional lifestyle has been taken from you and put in someone else’s hands. Whatever choice you once had over one of life’s most basic and enjoyable areas—eating—is gone. And human nature dictates that sooner or later we will refuse to live this way.” So says Stephen Moss Author of “Lose Weight with THE POWER OF ONE”. We have all heard of a million of those quick-fix mentality of gimmick diets that are all the rage and then it is time to move onto the next diet. We have become programmed to think that we lose weight quickly our problem will be gone, but if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that this is true. Diet has come to mean that you severely limit the selection and quantities of what you eat.

In more general terms, diet refers to what you eat and the various habits associated with your food intake. As with addictions to alcoholism, gambling, shopping, and so on, the activity/behavior is often a symptom of other problems and becomes a coping mechanism for many people. The activity is a way of dealing with stress, problems, and an escape. For many of us, we don’t really give enough thought to what we eat, and then we wonder why we’re overweight (or maybe we don’t think about it at all). Many of us have control of our diet away (if we were ever in control).

“Lose Weight with THE POWER OF ONE” is not a traditional diet book, it doesn’t tell you what to eat or when. Instead of rules it gives you eight broad guidelines about eating to follow. It isn’t preachy but delivers its message via the fictional story of Karen. We follow our heroine on her journey to get control of her life and her diet. Most of the strategies are common sense and you might have heard of them before but they’re explained so that you can understand them and it is up to you to incorporate it into your life. One of the best strategies is number eight, which allows you to forget the other strategies (momentarily) when circumstances dictate or you have a strong urge to take a vacation from them. Maybe you have been to a party, dinner, or celebration where it was not possible to eat anything healthy and you blew your current diet and then lost the motivation to continue. Strategy six is to stop eating when you don’t feel hungry any longer but before you have that stuffed feeling that many of us use to gauge when we stop eating.

Now that you have the strategies needed to take control of your diet, you’ll need to have something to eat. This is where the second book, “Lickety-Split Meals: For Health Conscious People on the Go!’ by Zonya Foco comes in. This is the cookbook with healthier and quick meals. One of the biggest barriers faced by people for not eating healthier is that they don’t believe that they have the time to make healthy meals. This book provides a good start to creating quick and healthier meals. It also provides suggestions to replace many of those unhealthy ingredients that make many recipes unhealthy. Most of the ingredients used in the recipes aren’t hard to find, and don’t require going to special stores to buy them. There are a lot of ideas that can be used by people that aren’t gourmet chefs let alone used to making healthy meals. If you happen to be a gourmet or experienced cook, you might find the recipes too simple, but it is the simplicity and ease with which the recipes can be made that is the highlight of this book.

Armed with these two books, I wish you well in taking control of your diet. Remember that all your life you’ll need to eat, so why not eat healthier. Are there any other health conscious cookbooks that any of you can’t live without or would recommend, I would love to hear about them.
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