Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Remember Katrina's Victims As You Celebrate Fat Tuesday

Many of us will be celebrating Fat Tuesday soon and I remembered how devastated New Orleans (and much of the Gulf region of the U.S.as well) had been left by Hurricane Katrina. It occurred to me that we should all take a few moments out of our celebrations to remember the victims of that awful hurricane.

Why not make a donnation to the Red Cross or United Way in honor of the victims of Hurricane Katrina and the city of New Orleans? If you don't have any money to spare maybe you could donate blood as it is almost always needed. you could also donate clothes and maybe some canned goods.

Why not make remembering Hurricane Katrina part of your Fat Tuesday/Carnival/ Mardi gras celebrations and have fun while helping out others.

Photo credits:
Capt. Doan 2 courtesy of carterboy

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