Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

2008 is fast approaching and as many others do I got to thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. As the first in a series of posts about New Year’s Resolutions, I thought that I would write about the types of resolutions that are made. Most resolutions will fall into one or more of the areas below.

  • Spend more quality time with family and friends. At the heart of this resolution is the desire to improve or maintain some of the relationships that you have.

  • Get into shape and eat right. There are a lot of variations of this one including taking up jogging, joining a gym, eating healthier and so on. All the variations point to the fact that many of us feel that we need to lead healthier lives.

  • Quit smoking. There are a variety of reasons that people try to do this from health reasons to saving money.

  • Enjoy life more, live for today. There is the realization that while many of us would change a lot of things about our lives, we should enjoy what we do have and celebrate life. When people realize that our time on Earth is limited, they want to “live more” and stop putting off things that they have put on the backburner.

  • Quit drinking. I was surprised to see this one when reading about resolutions. While this would be good for people that have a “drinking problem” this is also adopted by people for religious reasons, as well as health and monetary reasons.

  • Get out of debt or spend less. For many people with huge debts (credit card and otherwise), there are obvious benefits to successfully doing this. Some people want to lead less materialistic lives, while others just want to have more control of their spending and make better use of their income.

  • Learn something new or improve your education. This resolution often applies to learning something that you have wanted to do for a long time. For other people there is the desire to finish an education that never finished or one that they have wanted to do for sometime. Maybe you want to get Masters Degree.

  • Help others, volunteer, or make the world a better place.

  • Get organized. This can encompass anything from your garage to your whole life. While some people might feel that their lives are out of control, others might see less things in their life that need to be organized.

  • Make a career change. Some people choose to finally start that business that they have been thinking about for years. Some people will change careers, jobs, or companies. This could be changing departments or what you do. It could also be the adoption of new or different goals in your career. Maybe even looking at what you do as a career.

  • Reduce overall stress. Stress causes a lot of health problems that we all face today. Many of the other resolutions might help reduce stress, but you should remember that they can add additional stress.

  • Take a trip. This could mean taking that trip that you have always dreamed of. If you’re a homebody, you might just want to get out of the house more and go some places

  • Be more or be less. Maybe you want to be more on time or be more understanding. Maybe you want to worry less or be less impatient with others.

  • Do something or not do something. Maybe you have wanted to read a certain book or paint your living room. Maybe you want to stop biting your fingernails

  • Other. Most of the resolutions that people make will fall into one of the areas above but like so many other things, you have to have an “other” possibility for the resolution not yet conceived.

When you think about the New Year’s resolutions that people make, most of them are covered in the areas above. I hope that you’ll join me for the new post on resolutions.

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