Systems-Overload is pleased to announce that we’ll be hosting three new blog carnivals in 2009. I really enjoyed hosting The Holiday Spirit Blog Carnival and plan to run it again starting in November through shortly before Christmas (look for more on this in future posts) and I was pleased to see what a variety of posts were submitted.
The variety of posts that were submitted to The Holiday Spirit Blog Carnival got me to thinking that hosting some other blog carnivals could be a win-win-win situation. First, it widens the opinions, view, and advice that can be offered by our humble operation. Second, it exposes our readers to other blogs that they might not have otherwise discovered. Third, it gives other bloggers a chance publicize their articles. On a more selfish note, this also allows me the chance to read what other bloggers have to say!
Being a father I’m interested in all kinds of things related to family life. Most families are busy, active, and facing many challenges that are shared by many other families so a recurring blog carnival about family life could be a valuable resource to many of us. We can all learn from each other. We often find that while we think that our problems are unique, the circumstances probably are, but there is enough commonalty to many of our challenges that chances are someone else has already dealt with it before (or at least something closely resembling it). If you’re a blogger with a family maybe you have some tips and tricks for various things related to family life. What are some activities that your family likes to do? What are some things that you do to balance home and work lives? What are some quick healthy meals that you fix and your family enjoys? How have you solved some behavioral problems with your kids? How are you teaching your kids about the value of money and saving? How are you helping your kids plan for their futures? How are helping your kids with their homework? What creative ways are you stretching your family budget? If you’re a new parent or have young children you might be faced with sleeping problems (both for yourself and your kid(s)). If you have teenagers, you might be dealing with rebellious kids or wondering how to keep your kids out of trouble and interested in school. If your own parents are getting older and facing health issues you might be wondering how to deal with issues related to taking care of them or wondering how to deal with issues related to several generations living under the same roof. Single parents raising children face other challenges that might not be understood by households with two parents but certainly understood by other single parents. If you’re a divorced parent that doesn’t have primary custody, you might be wondering how to stay involved in your children’s lives and how to keep a civil relationship with your former spouse. I hope to address many of these concerns with posts at The Family Life Blog Carnival. If you’re interested in submitting an article for this carnival you can do that here. If there are some topics that you’d like to see covered feel free to express this in the comments appearing after that blog carnival edition (or even at the end of this post). I’m currently planning to publish the first edition on January 19, 2009, with one edition planned each month through June so stay tuned here for further details or all currently planned editions are indicated a The Family Life Blog Carnival.
I’ve been interested in being more productive for a few years now. Like many other people I found G.T.D. (Getting Things Done) by David Allen. Reading the book along with some of the blogs that I follow made me interested in writing about productivity and getting things done. Many of us are busily going through our lives and struggling with all that we have to do, so you can understand why GTD and other productivity systems are popular. GTD gives a lot of flexibility into how you use it and has developed an almost cult following and sometimes there are some interesting discussions between GTDers about the “right way” to implement it and practice it. How have you implemented G.T.D.? How do you manage to keep up with your weekly reviews? How do you keep all of your lists updated and current? How do you maintain and track your Next Actions? Has your Some Day/Maybe list become unmanageable? How do you manage to work on your “own” pet projects, when your schedule is swamped? How do you manage to stay focused and productive on the road? How do you work in teams around the globe? How do you manage all your email and all your communications? I hope to tackle some these and other productivity topics at The Carnival of Productivity And GTD. If you’re interested in submitting articles you can do that here. I’m currently planning to publish the first edition on January 26, 2009, with one edition planned each month through June so stay tuned here for further details or all currently planned editions are indicated a Carnival of Productivity And GTD.
We’re all looking for ways to lead better lives. Maybe you want to lead a more frugal lifestyle. Maybe you’ve decided that there is too much clutter in your life and you simply want to simplify your life. Maybe you’re looking for more D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) projects that can save you money. Maybe you’re looking for ways to save money in these trying economic times. Maybe you’re looking for ways to lead a healthier life. I hope that The Better Life Carnival will have articles on these and other associated topics. If you’re interested in submitting articles you can do that here. I’m currently planning to publish the first edition on February 9, 2009, with one edition planned each month through June so stay tuned here for further details or all currently planned editions are indicated a The Better Life Carnival.
So we’re pleased to announce and host The Family Life Blog Carnival, Carnival of Productivity And GTD, and The Better Life Carnival. We look forward to all the great articles that you all will submit and we look forward to sharing them with you all. We hope to help harness the power of community and the internet. If you have any ideas or topics that you’d like to see covered feel free to leave a comment. Stay tuned, feel free to subscribe via email or RSS, and be sure to share articles that you like with friends and favorite us at your various social networks (like Delicious, StumbleUpon, and Digg).
Photo credit: "Global1" courtesy of thanx