Welcome to the February Edition of The Better Life Blog Carnival. This is the first edition of The Better Life Blog Carnival in 2010. This edition includes 15 articles all aimed at helping you live a Better Life. If you have any topics that you'd like to see covered in the next edition of The Better Life Blog Carnival or any other blog carnivals we run here, future post ideas, or just comments in general, feel free to add them to the comments below. Submission links can be found towards the end of this post. Without further adieu here is the February Edition of The Better Life Blog Carnival....
DIY (Do It Yourself)
ICH presents .018 DIY your own t-shirt scarf posted at Insert Catchphrase Here, saying, "How to make your own great t-shirt scarf a la Necklush!"
Tabitha Mcivers presents Top 10 Hilarious DIY Home Projects Gone Terribly Wrong posted at Construction management degree. Who hasn't had a do it yourself nightmare?
Learning And Teaching
mrrob presents 20 Awesome Web Tools For Teachers & Professors posted at Teaching degree online.
Kristie Lewis presents Beyond CliffsNotes: 100 Free & Useful Tools for When Time’s Running Out posted at Online Colleges.org.
Wise_Bread presents When they Say Extreme Deals They're Not Kidding posted at Wisebread.
Matthew Paulson presents New Regulations for Gift Card Holders posted at American Consumer News.
Mark Aucamp presents Freecycle is like eBay but it's FREE posted at Money Saving Tips.
Money & Income
Another Somebody presents 8 REAL ways to make extra money in 2010 posted at Another Somebody.
Time & Stress Management
Madeleine Begun Kane presents Contending With Time posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog. Madeleine gives you her advise with a laugh and a smile!
JL 4 Media presents 55 Ways to Deal With Stress and Annoying People posted at Live Life to the Fullest, saying, "To help you ease the burden and cope in such hell of scenario, here’s a list you can laugh on or take into consideration. It may not solve all your stress away, but I guarantee that after reading, you’d be smiling."
Nissim Ziv presents Career Aspirations: Examples of Career Aspirations posted at Job Interview Guide, saying, "This article provides sample of career aspirations for people who want to set up their career road-map. People’s career aspirations can be categorized into limited number of types."
Life & Relationships
Debbie Dragon presents Get Some Gratitude in Your Attitude posted at Empowering Mom.
Wren Caulfield presents The fence that makes good neighbors needs a gate to make good friends posted at True Adventures in Money Hacking. Do you know your neighbors?
Tyler Tervooren presents Multiple Intelligences: Why You?re A Green Rock Star but Suck at Saving Money posted at Frugally Green, saying, "Ever wondered why you're a natural at one thing, but a complete dunce at another? According to the theory of multiple intelligences, it makes perfect sense. You see, there are actually 8 different ways that anyone can express the intelligence that they possess and the commonly accepted ones, well, aren't necessarily all that common. Find out how you can identify what your natural learning styles and intelligences are and how you can use them to teach yourself better personal finance habits even if you hate numbers and suck at math by following my own case study."
Billeater presents Technology Keeps You Safe and Keeps You at Risk posted at Billeater. Some good ideas to keep you safe in your various online activities.
That concludes the February edition of The Better Life Blog Carnival. You can submit your blog article to the next edition of The Better Life Blog Carnival using our "Submit an entry to “The Better Life Carnival” carnival submission form. Past posts and future editions can be found on our "Blog Carnival index for “The Better Life Carnival”blog
carnival index page. Look for the Family Life Blog Carnival coming in March as well as our our other regular posts.
Photo credit: First light courtesy of timobalk.
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the better life carnival, blog carnival.